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"Peter Hustinx and Three Cliches About E.U.-U.S. Data Privacy," in Data Protection Anno 2014: How to Restore Trust?  (Hielke Hijmans & Herke Kranenborg ed.) (Intersentia 2014).

"The Second Wave of Global Privacy Protection: Symposium Introduction," 74 Ohio St. L. J. 841 (2013).

"Why the Right to Data Portability Likely Reduces Consumer Welfare: Antitrust and Privacy Critique," Maryland L. Rev. (forthcoming 2013). Peter Swire & Yianni Lagos.

"How to Address Standardless Discretion after Jones," (2012). Erin Murphy & Peter Swire.

From Real-Time Intercepts to Stored Records: Why Encryption Drives the Government to Seek Access to the Cloud,” International Data Privacy Law, 2012.

Managing Changing Compliance Requirements by Predicting Regulatory Evolution: An Adaptability Framework,” Jeremy C. Maxwell, Annie I. Antón, Peter Swire, 20th IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference, 2012.

Encryption and Globalization,” 13 Colum. Sci. & Tech. L. Rev. 416 (2012). Peter Swire & Kenesa Ahmad.

“A Legal Cross-References Taxonomy for Reasoning about Compliance Requirements,” Jeremy Maxwell, Annie I. Antón, Peter Swire, Maria Riaz & Christopher McCraw, Requirements Engineering Journal, Springer-Verlag, 2012.

"Social Networks, Privacy, and Freedom of Association," 90 N.C. L. Rev. 1371 (2012).

"A Reasonableness Approach to Searches after the Jones GPS Tracking Case," 64 Stanford L. Rev. Online 57 (2012).

"Why the Federal Government Should Have a Privacy Policy Office," 10 J. Telecomm. & High Tech. L. 41 (2012).

A Legal Cross-References Taxonomy for Identifying Conflicting Software Requirements,” (with Maxwell and Anton) in the 19th IEEE International Conference on Requirements Engineering (2009).

Peeping,” 24 Berkeley Tech. L.J. 1164 (2009).
The Consumer as Producer: The Personal Mainframe and the Future of Computing,” 42 Law/Technology, 1st Quarter 2009, at 5.

No Cop on the Beat: Underenforcement in E-Commerce and Cybercrime,” 7 J. Telecomm. & High Technology L. 107 (2009).

Book Review: Proportionality for High-Tech Searches,” 6 Ohio St. J. Crim. L. 751 (2009) (Reviewing Christopher Slobogin, Privacy at Risk: The New Government Surveillance and the Fourth Amendment).

The ID Divide: Addressing the Challenges of Identification and Authentication in American Society,” Center for American Progress (2008) (with Cassandra Q. Butts) (2008).

“When Should ‘Consumers-as-Producers’ Have to Comply with Consumer Protection Laws?”, 31 J. Consumer Policy 473 (2008).

“Introductory Essay for ‘Privacy Law: Year in Review, 2007,” 3 I/S: A Journal of Law and Policy for the Information Society 373 (2007).

Book Review: Transparency in Jeopardy,” Issues in Science & Tech., Winter, 2007, at 92 (Reviewing Alasdair Roberts, Blacked Out: Government Secrecy in the Information Age).

Introductory Essay for "Privacy Law Year in Review, 2005-2006” I/S: A Journal of Law and Policy for the Information Society (2007).

Privacy and Information Sharing in the War on Terrorism,” 51 Villanova L. Rev. 260 (2006).

Introductory Essay for ‘Privacy Law: The Year in Review, 2004’,” I/S: A Journal of Law and Policy for the Information Society (2006).

A Theory of Disclosure for Security and Competitive Reasons: Open Source, Proprietary Software, and Government Systems,” 42 Houston Law Review 1333 (2006).

Elephants and Mice Revisited: Law and Choice of Law on the Internet,” 153 U. Penn. L. Rev. 1975 (2005).

Through the Privacy Lens,” 4 J. Marshall Rev. Intell. Prop. L., Issue 2 (with Julie Cohen & David Sorkin) (2005).

Katz is Dead, Long Live Katz,” 102 Mich. L. Rev. 904 (2004).

The System of Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Law”, 72 Geo. Wash. L. Rev. 1306 (2004).

A Model for When Disclosure Helps Security: What Is Different About Computer and Network Security?” 3 J. Telecomm. & High Technology L. 163 (2004) (and forthcoming as a chapter in a book to be published by the Cambridge University Press).

Efficient Confidentiality for Privacy, Security, and Confidential Business Information,” Brookings-Wharton Papers on Financial Services (Brookings, 2003).

Trustwrap: The Importance of Legal Rules for E-Commerce and Internet Privacy”, 54 Hastings L.J. 847 (2003).

State Wiretaps and Electronic Surveillance After September 11”, 54 Hastings L.J. 971 (2003) (with Charles Kennedy).                                                                                                                     Appendix A: State Wiretap Laws (as of June, 2002)                                                                        Appendix B: Recent State Wiretap Legislation (as of June, 2002)

The Surprising Virtues of the New Financial Privacy Law,” 86 Minn. L. Rev. 1263 (2002).

"Security and Privacy After September 11: The Health Care Example,” 86 Minn. L. Rev. 1515 (2002) (with Lauren Steinfeld).

The Ethical and Legal Implications of Jaffee v. Redmond and the HIPAA Medical Privacy Rule for Psychotherapy and General Psychiatry,” 25 Psychiatric Clinics of North America 575 (2002) (with Paul Mosher).

"Financial Privacy and the Theory of High Tech Government Surveillance," 77 Washington U. L.Q. 461 (1999) & Brookings Wharton Papers on Financial Services (1999).

"Of Elephants, Mice, and Privacy: International Choice of Law and the Internet," 32 The
International Lawyer 991 (1998).

"The Uses and Limits of Financial Cryptography: A Law Professor's Perspective," chapter in the proceedings of Financial Cryptography '97 (Springer Verlag, 1997).

"Markets, Self Regulation, and Legal Enforcement in the Protection of Personal Information," U.S. Department of Commerce, Privacy and Self Regulation in the Information Age (1997).

"The Race to Laxity and the Race to Undesirability: Explaining Failures in Competition Among Jurisdictions in Environmental Law," Yale Law & Policy Rev./Yale J. on Regulation, Symposium: Constructing a New Federalism 67 (1996).

"Equality of Opportunity and Investment in Creditworthiness," 143 U. Pa. L. Rev. 1533

"The Persistent Problem of Lending Discrimination: A Law and Economics Analysis," 73 Tex. L. Rev. 787 (1995).

"Safe Harbors and a Proposal to Improve the Community Reinvestment Act," 79 Va. L. Rev. 349 (1993).

"Bank Insolvency Law Now That It Matters Again," 42 Duke L.J. 469 (1992).

Litan, Swire & Winston, "The U.S. Liability System: Background and Trends," in Liability: Perspectives and Policies (Brookings, 1988).

Note, The Incorporation of Independent Agencies Into the Executive Branch, 94 Yale L.J.
1766 (1985).

Book Review, 1 Yale J. L & Pol'y 417 (1983) (reviewing Jerry L. Mashaw, Bureaucratic
Justice: Managing Social Security Disability Claims).





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